investees-header-icon Investees

We provide capital solutions for growing, value-adding businesses

investees-criteria-icon Our services

We provide fast, flexible and reliable capital solutions that are entirely customizable to your business’ needs. We can work together if:

  • your activity adds value to a commodity by producing, storing, processing, transiting or distributing it
  • your P&L is non-directional and non-speculatively generated
  • your business model is sustainable within your environment and fair towards your employees
  • your company is committed to grow and is built on sound foundations and processes

Case Studies



Contract farming & pre-export financing facility (EUR 1.7 million )

SAFA specializes in the production, processing, conditioning and supply of white rice out of Burkina Faso, in West Africa. The company's main offtakers are SMEs and governmental organizations. SAFA is committed to improving its waste management and sustainable land use policies. It also contributes to increasing agricultural productivity and generates significant employment opportunities in rural Burkina Faso. To date INOKS has deployed over USD 4 million to fund SAFA’s contract farming & pre-export operations.



Distribution financing facility (USD 3.35 million)

MANA is an agricultural cooperative based in Ghana specialized in importing and distributing fertilisers and other agricultural inputs that enable the production of maize. MANA sponsors and trains local farmers to select the right inputs and use them correctly in order to improve crop quality and yield. It pays for crops upon delivery, which means that farmers have cash in hand quicker. MANA is very active in communities of Northern Ghana as it strives to help farmers to transition away from subsistence farming whilst also improving food security in the region. To date INOKS has supported MANA’s activity with over USD 8 million.



Tolling & pre-export financing facility (USD 35 million)

ALSW operates in Ukraine to produce, condition and distribute sunflower oil. The oil is crushed from sunflower seeds purchased from local farming cooperatives, the majority of which is then exported from the port of Yuzhny. To reduce its carbon footprint the company has policies in place for energy & fuel efficiency, waste management and sustainable land use. ALSW uses state of the art crushing and packaging facilities which run on green energy, use recycled heat and produce zero emissions. In addition the company does not purchase any genetically modified seeds. To date, INOKS has contributed over USD 90 million to ALSW’s tolling, transformation & pre-export activities.



Tolling & pre-export financing facility (USD 12 million)

KAKA is a sugar processing company based in Kyrgyzstan, which processes sugar beets into white sugar and raw sugar. The company operates a unique business model since it is owned majoritarily by local farmers, 800 of which own shares in the company. Their main offtakers are local households, microenterprises and SMEs. Through investment from INOKS Capital, the company plans to improve its energy and fuel efficiency, as well as enhance the sustainability of its use of land. Since 2014 INOKS has channelled over USD 13 million to fund their processing activity.

Since 2006 we have


worked with over 150 counterparties


deploying over USD 7.5 billion throughout emerging markets worldwide


through investment tickets ranging from USD 1 to 25 million

  • Commo_Group_L1_Grains@4x Grains
  • Commo_Group_L1_Softs_Edible@4x-8 Softs Edible
  • Commo_Group_L1_Oilseeds And By-Products@4x Vegoils
  • Commo_Group_L1_Crop Inputs@4x Crop Inputs
  • Commo_Group_L1_Api Bio Pharma@4x API Biopharma
  • Commo_Group_L1_Processed Food@4x Processed Food
  • Commo_Group_L1_Softs_Non Edible@4x Soft Non Edible
  • Commo_Group_L1_Fresh Produce@4x Fresh Produce

servicing all type of commodities including vegetable oils, farming inputs, animal protein, grains and other specialist soft commodities

  • Business_Segments_Farming@4x Farming
  • Business_Segments_starage@4x Storage
  • Business_Segments_transport_right@4x Logistics
  • Business_Segments_ProcessingTransformation@4x Processing
  • Business_Segments_export_1@4x Shipment
  • Business_Segments_process@4x Condi-tioning
  • Business_Segments_Distribution@4x Distri-bution
  • Business_Segments_Consumption@4x Consum-ption

at all segments of the value chain, from contract farming to pre-export, warehouse, inventory, trade and distribution financing

investees-restrictions-icon Restrictions

Our investment scope does not extend to:

  • countries or companies under any form of sanction
  • genetically modified products or those tested on animals
  • products derived from the alcohol, tobacco, armament or gambling industries
  • products which violate human rights or endanger animals and their environment


To discuss whether your business meets our requirements please get in touch with our business development team: