This page contains financial information on funds managed by Inoks Capital SA, a Swiss regulated asset manager of foreign funds reserved only to qualified investors. The information on this page (including fact sheet) is not a prospectus nor a KIID. The information or data in this page is intended only to qualified investors. The information or data contained in this page does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy funds. The information in this page shall not be considered as a recommendation to buy the funds.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. No steps have been taken to ensure that the funds are suitable for any particular investor. The tax treatment depends on each investor. Before making an investment decision, it is recommended that investors verify whether the investment is appropriate in view of their financial knowledge and experience, investment objectives and their personal, professional and financial situation and/or seek advice from a third party professional.

The returns mentioned are only targeted returns and shall not be considered as current or future returns or performances. They do not take into account commissions on the issue and redemption of units. No warranty is given as to future results. This material is not intended for distribution to or use by any person who is a citizen of a state or who is domiciled in any place, state, country or jurisdiction where its distribution, publication, availability or use would be contrary to applicable laws or regulations. The prospectus, the KIID, the latest annual and semi-annual reports and the key investor information documents are available free of charge in English from the Swiss representative: Bastions Partners Office SA, Route de Chêne 61A, 1208 Geneva. The payment service is provided by the Banque Cantonal de Genève, Quai de l’Ile 17, 1204 Geneva.

To continue, please confirm that you are a qualified investor from a Swiss perspective:



INOKS Capital aims to capture the investment opportunity over 3 strategies adopting each a different time horizon:

  1. Working capital requirements (cost of goods sold only) funding using short-term lending upto 12 months
  2. Capital expenditure or fixed assets acquisition needs using mezzanine like financing up-to 36 months. This private debt strategy was launched in 2012 and is currently not raising capital. A new vintage might be initiated next year.
  3. Balance Sheet consolidation to capture growth using equity funding up-to 5+2 years (not live yet)



Investors may access the short-term strategy through either omni-investors Collective Investment Schemes (Luxembourg or Cayman based) or Segregated Portfolio. Investors’ equality of treatment is ensured, as all products co-invest pari passu, based on investment criteria eligibility and AuMs.
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Cayman Umbrella

Shareclass Class B ($, EUR h, CHF h, £ h), Class C ($)

Inception 01/08/2006

Target Return 7% per annum in $, 6% per annum in EUR, CHF and GBP

Target Volatility <1.5%

Currency $, EUR hedged, CHF hedged, GBP hedged

Dividend Accumulation (Class B), Distribution (Class C)

Subscription Monthly with 2 bd notice, min 250'000$ or equivalent

Redemption Quarterly with 60 bd notice and 6 month lock-up

Luxembourg Umbrella

Shareclass Class A ($), Class B ($)

Inception 01/09/2012

Target Return 7% per annum

Target Volatility <1.5%

Currency $

Dividend Distribution

Subscription Monthly with 2 bd notice, min $300'000

Redemption Quarterly with 60 bd notice and 6/24 (Class A/Class B) month lock-up