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INOKS Capital 2023-2024 Impact Report

Launch of the 8th edition of INOKS Capital Impact Report

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INOKS Capital is pleased to present its 2019 Impact Report

What is the impact footprint generated by INOKS Capital's Do No Harm (ESG) and Do Good (IMPACT) strategy and how is INOKS seeking to bring additionality? You will find these details and much more in INOKS's 4th Impact Report as this vintage seeks: - to provide an overview on INOKS’s investees' positive externalities, focusing on INOKS's 4 Impact Themes and associated 6 SDGs, - to show case 2 case studies discussing value addition generated through INOKS's investees in the cocoa and cotton value chains in sub-Saharan Africa, - with new sections to explain why Technical Assistance is the extra mile being geared for embedment in the investments and to position INOKS in the eco-system. To download INOKS’s 2019 Impact Report, please click on the below link.

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INOKS’s contribution to ACC’s Financing the Economy 2020 Research

INOKS Capital is proud to be featured in the latest edition of the ACC's Financing the Economy Research, produced in partnership with Allen & Overy. This year’s paper, which draws on data from 49 investment management firms representing more than $431bn AuM, shows that private credit managers will provide borrowers with over $100bn of capital during 2020. As well as providing new finance, private credit managers have also supported COVID-19 affected businesses with flexible finance solutions and pragmatic approaches towards forbearance or recapitalisation. Please click on the link below for more information on this new release (INOKS's case study on financing rice production in Ivory Coast is on p.28).

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INOKS’s contribution to IFZ Sustainable Investments Study of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts 2020

INOKS Capital is proud to have participated to and to be featured in the IFZ Sustainable Investments Study 2020. This year, the study focuses on sustainable thematic funds: the assets of sustainable funds in Switzerland have increased by 60% over the last 12 months despite the Corona crisis and climate and environmental funds are particularly popular... However, only a minority of these investments explicitly promise a positive impact on the environment and society. Please click on the link below for more information on this new release (INOKS's contribution in German on p.207).

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INOKS’s contribution to the 1st Edition of the Private Assets Impact Fund (PAIF) Survey 2020

INOKS is proud to have participated to and to be featured in the PAIF Survey 2020. A great initiative toward data transparency in the impact investing sector. Indeed, the analysis was made over 150 investment funds targeting emerging and frontier markets with a development impact focus. Congratulations to Symbiotics for setting up such a report. Please click on the link below for more information (INOKS's contribution on p.107).

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HFM European Awards’ Winner Interview – Best Credit long-term Performance under $500m

Learn more on INOKS Capital S.A.'s food value chain strategy, its intrinsic resilience and how INOKS Capital S.A. navigated the COVID crisis. Thank you to HFM Global's European Awards for hosting this Winner's Interview.

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Steward Redqueen’s independent verification of the Principles’ implementation is finalized

Inoks Capital SA (‘INOKS’) is a signatory of the IFC Operating Principles for Impact Management (‘the Principles’). As per the ninth principle, each signatory undertakes an independent annual verification of the Principles’ implementation. INOKS has requested Steward Redqueen to verify alignment of its operations and assets under management (USD 580 million as of 31 August 2020) with the Principles. This verification statement is delivered to INOKS Capital on 28 September 2020 and refers to INOKS’ Disclosure Statement dated 24 September 2020.

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INOKS Capital proudly receives this year again an ‘A’ rating from PRI

INOKS Capital is a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since 2010. PRI reporting is the largest global reporting project on responsible investment. It was developed with investors, for investors. Signatories are required to report on their responsible investment activities annually. This year, INOKS Capital received an A rating on the 'Strategy and Governance' Module. To read the whole Assesment Report, please click below.

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HFM European Awards: INOKS Capital has been recognized as Best Credit long-term Performer under $500m

INOKS Capital is proud to announce that the Ancile Fund (Cayman) Ltd - Class B won the HFM European Performance Award 2020 in the category 'Credit long-term Performance (5 years) - under $500m'. The HFM European Performance Awards are the most important and influential awards in the European hedge fund calendar. The awards recognize both hedge fund and fund of hedge fund performance, covering all areas of hedge fund performance, from credit and equity to macro and managed futures. The HFM European Performance Awards 2020 were evaluated by a judging panel made up of leading institutional and private investors and investment consultants.

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The GIIN’s 2020 Annual Impact Investor Survey is now live

In its 10th edition, this report is the most comprehensive study of the $715 global impact investing market to date. The report features data and insights from 294 leading impact investors, including INOKS Capital, who collectively manage $404 billion of impact investing assets. These respondents reported on their investment activity during 2019 and their plans for 2020. In all, despite challenges and global crises, the impact investing community remains committed to impact investing. To explore the latest investment activity, trends, and insights into market growth and sophistication, click below.

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